Basic Room
Quickly spin up a new basic extemp prep room to create a simple digital home.
Free to use & share with your tournament.
Visit a sample room
Premium Room
All the features of the basic room plus:
- Customized URLs
- Multiple Rounds per Room
- Prompt Distribution
- and more...
$10.00 per tournament Free! (while in beta).
Extemp Resources
Helpful information if you are running an extemp room for the first time.
Run the room with confidence and ease.
Online Prep Rooms
Running extemp rooms can be complicated. Figuring out draw times, remembering to distribute prompts on time, giving 5 minute warnings consistently, is not always easy. If you are running an online tournament, it can be even more complicated.
Create your room
With just a few clicks, you can create your basic or premium room. The room will list the draw times, five minute warnings, and speak times. The site can alert you with both audio & visual alerts.

Share your Join Code
Each room will come with a unique Join Code that you can share with competitors. This can then create an online home for your extmep prep room.
You can either share a link directly to your room or competitors can enter the join code on

Premium Room Features
Premium rooms (just $10/tournament) come with more features such as automatic prompt distribution, customizable join codes, multiple rounds in a single room, email reminders 10 minutes before draw times, and more.
At the designated draw times, competitors can click on the prompts button and prompts will be released to students automatically. This means you could potentially avoid having an extemp proctor altogether at your tournament.

Try out a sample room
Create a sample room to see how it works. Make sure to click the sounds checkbox to get audio alerts in addition to the visual ones.
Contact us if you have any questions about Extemp Room.